We all have bad days every now and then.  Right now, it is easier than ever to let things build up and get to us. However, we can choose to see the glass half full or half empty.  Having a negative attitude every day can really take a toll on you, your family, and friends. Basically, it comes down to how we handle difficult situations, and that can make a difference in our mental and physical health.

One of the first steps to having a better outlook is to take a bird’s eye view, step back from what is going on, and be thankful for your blessings. In other words, as they say, don’t sweat the small stuff. While we have a lot on our plate right now, there are some issues that just are not as important, and those are the ones to let go. Here are four things you can do to help improve your attitude throughout the day. 

  • Getty Images/iStockphoto/evgenyatamanenko
    Getty Images/iStockphoto/evgenyatamanenko

    Focus On The Good No Matter How Small

    Too often we all get wrapped up in the stress of work and life and it carries on into a bad attitude all day. We need to take a step back and really start to appreciate the good that comes in every day. For example, if the kids are really bugging you and things are getting overwhelming, step away, take a deep breath,  and be thankful for your blessings, especially your beautiful little children. 

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    Getty Images/Fuse

    Focus On The Present

    Don't let the stresses of tomorrow or the frustration from yesterday get you down. Each day is a new day and there is no reason to drag yesterday's bad attitude into today. Start each day telling yourself today is going to be a good day and you'll be surprised how much of a difference it can make to your day. 

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    Getty Images/Digital Vision

    Surround Yourself With Positive Energy

    Everyone knows that we often pick up the habits and mannerisms of close friends and family. While this isn't necessarily a bad thing, if you are picking up negative vibes, it certainly doesn't help.  Social media and other media outlets can be especially negative or depressing. When you are surrounded by negative people, words or thoughts in your life,  you can begin adopting those negative attitudes into your own life. Surround yourself daily with positive people and vibes and you'll begin to see your own attitude improve. 

  • Getty Images/iStockphoto/FamVeld
    Getty Images/iStockphoto/FamVeld

    Avoid Negative Thoughts

    We all have those negative thoughts that just pop into our heads randomly throughout the day. We need to learn how to identify those thoughts as negative and begin to proactively replace them with positive ones. If you wake up and it is raining and all you can think about is how the rain will ruin all of your plans and ruin your day before it even starts, change your thinking into coming up with fun ideas to do on a rainy day. You may not be able to go to the beach, but you can stay home and build a fort with your kids and have a movie marathon.

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