February 14th is National Donor Day
We are all aware that February 14th is Valentine's Day, but did you know this day is also recognized as National Donor Day? National Donor Day was created in 1998 and focuses on the five types of donations: organs tissues, marrow, platelets, and blood. Living organ donors can donate one kidney, one lung, or part of an intestine, prostate, or pancreas. As an organ donor and a tissue donor, you can enhance the lives of up to 50 people with one donation.
Living organ donors can donate one kidney, one lung, or part of an intestine, prostate, or pancreas. It is also known that approximately every two seconds, there is someone in the U.S. who needs blood.
Three easy ways we can make a difference - next time you renew your license - answer yes to the question of being a donor. Another easy way to help, simply give blood whenever you can, and finally register to be a donor at donatelifenj.org