Young Jeffrey certainly sounds older...a LOT older. He's giving us a glimpse into what his life might be like in the future in his new Song of the Week, 'I Sit On Benches'.
Maybe you didn't notice the date on today's calendar, but it's Friday the 13th! Or, maybe you DID and just ignored it in hopes it would just go away. If, like Michael Scott, you're a little 'stitious', Young Jeffrey's new Song of the Week could calm your nerves.
Jeffrey is one patient man. In previous rounds of the song-naming game 'Riffin' Around', Brooke, Producer Jose, and Social Media Alexis have really let him down. Will the team have better luck with a Friday the 13th theme?
With Britney Spears' public plea to be let out of the conservatorship that's been running her life for over a decade, and throngs of fans and celebrities supporting her cause, it's only natural Young Jeffrey would be inspired to sing about it.
Young Jeffrey's bringing our love of weddings back and sings about the joy of watching two people who want to spend the rest of their lives together tie the knot.