Transit Worker Finds $15K in Bag On The Street, Returns It [POLL]
If you found $15,200 on your way home from work what would you do?
Bob Tracey, a regular SEPTA worker, was heading home after his shift on Monday night when he noticed the bag in the middle of the road. reports that he assumed it was a woman's purse that was accidentally left behind.
He unzipped the purse like any person would to look for some sort of identification. Instead, he found $15,200 in $100s, $50s, and $20s! Could you imagine his reaction?? I think I would have to take a quick breath.
In the Philly article, he did mention that it crossed his mind that this money would help pay for his vacation. But, it wasn't in his nature to just take the money, instead he called the police.
Now, police are deeming him a true "Good Samaritan." SEPTA reports that Tracey does have a long history of returning lost items, so this act of kindness isn't out of his nature.
There's still no news where this money came from.
Personally, I totally would return the money. But I asked Heather Deluca and she says she would totally keep it.
But what would you have done? Would you return it?