Should New Jersey Ban Homework in Elementary Schools?
Earlier this week, this Florida district passed a law banning homework in their elementary schools. Should New Jersey be the next to follow suit?
I have heard the argument before that after school should be a time for students to unwind, and/or participate in other after school activities like sports or dance.
Now in Marion County, Florida students no longer have to deal with this. According to research done by the county, there is no better performance in grades whether or not a student gets homework.
Instead, what this county will be doing now is just reading 20 minutes per night. Definitely beats having to do homework for 2-3 hours after school.
What do you think? Could homework be a thing of the past? Should New Jersey be the next to ban homework in their elementary school districts?
Let me know what you think!
Source: Buzzfeed News | USA Today | Huffington Post
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