The Most Bizarre Justin Bieber Fan Ever
Apparently the world's biggest Justin Bieber fan is not only 33-years-old -- he's also a guy!
Toby Sheldon is a songwriter by day.....and Justin Bieber all the time. His Bieber-devotion blows teeny-bopping Beliebers out of the water. That's because he's spent almost $100,000 over the last five years having several plastic surgery procedures done to make him look like his idol!
Along with Botox injections and hair transplants, Sheldon had costly "smile surgery" done to make his smile look just like Bieber's. According to Closer Magazine, Sheldon says, "It's Justin's smile that gives him his youthful look. So I had my upper lip lifted and my bottom lip plumped out.'
Dude, just an FYI, your friends calling you, "Toby Bieber" is not a compliment. Sorry.