If you were going to drop two fetuses off at any Philadelphia museum, Mutter is probably the right place for them, but WHY did someone just do exactly THAT?
Halloween will be here soon. Now is the perfect time to think all things spooky, including haunted and creepy cemeteries. Do you think they really exist?
I drive past this tree every day, and never noticed it until today. This creepy tree. This scary, creepy tree. It is perhaps, the scariest tree in South Jersey.
Okay. I realize Halloween gives us greater permission to indulge in the macabre, but one South Jersey display may have taken creepy TOO far. Have you passed these hanging babies?
South Jersey had it's own bear watch for a while. Now, a black bear was seen walking down the street further north in Jefferson Township. This wouldn't be worth mentioning, except it was walking on TWO LEGS.
Justin Bieber! Ok buddy, it's time to get your s*&! together. These crazy things are going to keep happening to you. And you're not very good at keeping your business private. You're becoming a joke. Even this random girl who, whether with or without your knowledge, has gotten close enough to film you while you're sleeping...and it's creepy.