The 5 People You’ll Meet at the Upcoming Witch Craft Beer Festival
One of the Halloween season's most anticipated events is Witch Craft Beer Festival happening on October 19th at Lake Lenape in Mays Landing.
Witch Craft is sure to be a mystical encounter with broos and spirits, professional pumpkin carving and a Silent Disco, plus much more.
Here are the five people you'll likely run into that night:
- 1
The Halloween Costume Junkie
We all have that one friend that takes Halloween, and their costume, super seriously. There are bound to be some really over-the-top costumes at Witch Craft.
- 2
The 'I'm Just Here for the Beer' Fan
This person won't come in costume at all.
- 3
The Greedy Guzzler
This person goes back to the same craft beer vendor over and over again.
- 4
The 'Great Minds Think Alike' Group
They'll come together, probably dressed in them, like Gilligan's Island, or the cast of Friends.
- 5
The DD
Ah, yes. This is the person who will sacrifice themselves to make sure their buds have a safe ride home.