If you had to choose only three things to have in your life what would they be? We asked that precise question. Honestly, the results were pretty much to be expected. If we broke it down to just things that are important to South Jersey, what would they be?


Would you be able to just choose 3 of those things? Do you love the Eagles more? Do you need those beach days? Would you mind pumping your own gas? Our very scientific poll found the answers to all of those questions and found the 3 things South Jersey cannot live without.

Counting down from #3 let's start with pizza! Yes, South Jersey cannot and will not live without pizza. Seriously, in a world with pizza how could you imagine a world without it?

Not surprising what so ever, Wawa came in at #2. Explaining Wawa to people outside of the area is always an entertaining experience. Yes, we love food from the place we get our gas. No, do not refer to it as gas station food. Wawa is much more than that.

The #1 thing South Jersey cannot live without is the much needed beach time. Once summer hits, beach days are a necessity for all of us here in South Jersey. With or without the Shoobies, a beach day is a therapeutic experience.

Everything else on our list saw some love too. The remaining things fell into this order (starting at #5):

  • Wine (I mean obviously)
  • Gas Attendants
  • Boardwalk
  • Eagles (The football team clearly)
  • Pork Roll
  • Blueberries
  • Phillies
  • Parkway
  • A.C. Expressway

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