6 Pork Roll Ornaments for Your Christmas Tree
Add that special touch to your Christmas tree this year with a little South Jersey flair. Nothing will show your South Jersey pride like hanging a pork roll ornament on your tree. If you aren't crafty, never fear that's what the internet is for. Put down the hole puncher, no need to punch a hole in your pork roll packaging to hang it up. There are some pretty cool pork roll ornaments out there.
Check out these 6 pork roll ornaments.
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Pork Roll Mini Glass Ornament
These small glass ornaments come in 4 different shapes: ball, light bulb, heart, and finial. The reviews on Etsy agree these are great.
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Pork Roll Ornament - Flat Glass and Ceramic
From the same Etsy store from above, this is another take on the pork roll ornament. You have the choice between different glass and different ceramic colors/patterns.
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Pork Roll Slice Ceramic Ornament
The description of this ornament is confusing, "Celebrate your Jersey Pride with a Taylor Ham™ ornament complete with authentic notches! (You know you like pork roll...)" They used Taylor ham and pork roll in the same section... I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that they wrote it that way for search result purposes.
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Pork Roll Ornaments - Plastic
Who wants a boring metallic Christmas ball ornament when you can have it jazzed up with pork roll? No one, that's who. The fact that the pork roll packaging is in the shape of New Jersey is a nice touch. Being plastic will mean your cat won't break them.
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Personalized Wooden Pork Roll Ornamnet
They say personalized gifts are the best, so that means a personalized pork roll gift is even better right? The Etsy store that this ornament comes from is dedicated to pork roll.
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Pork Roll Ornament with Jersey Shore Sand
If you live near the beach or just really love the beach this is great. They give you options of what else you want in your ornament, but it does not say where they get the sand from.