New Jersey Woman Allowed to Use ‘8THEIST’ as License PlateNew Jersey Woman Allowed to Use ‘8THEIST’ as License PlateAfter her request for a vanity license plate reading '8THEIST' was denied two years ago, a New Jersey woman will now be able to use it.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
New Jersey Man Sues After ‘Pokemon Go’ Players Keep Knocking on His DoorNew Jersey Man Sues After ‘Pokemon Go’ Players Keep Knocking on His DoorA New Jersey man wants to keep 'Pokemon Go' players off his lawn indefinitely by taking it all the way to federal court.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
New Jersey Boy Shares Some Wisdom After Kid Makes Fun of His SneakersNew Jersey Boy Shares Some Wisdom After Kid Makes Fun of His SneakersAfter another boy on the playground made fun of his sneakers, this young New Jersey boy shares some wisdom of his own.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
New Jersey Police to Pokemon Players: ‘Use Common Sense’Pokemon's latest release of it's app, 'Pokemon Go,' is becoming a concern for New Jersey Police.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
Pranksters Put the Word ‘Poop’ On Roadway Message BoardPranksters Put the Word ‘Poop’ On Roadway Message BoardPranksters, or 'hackers,' changed the message on a South Jersey roadway sign to read the word..."poop."Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
Girls Calls the Police on Her Dad Passed Out in Their CarGirls Calls the Police on Her Dad Passed Out in Their CarA New Jersey little girl called 911 on her father after he passed out in their car over the weekend.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
Coast Guard Saves Woman After Boat Runs on Shore Over WeekendCoast Guard Saves Woman After Boat Runs on Shore Over WeekendA woman was rescued by the Coast Guard after she was injured by a boat that ran aground the Jersey Shore coast on Sunday afternoon.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
The Golden Retriever Named as Delaware’s State DogThe Golden Retriever Named as Delaware’s State DogDelaware lawmakers have some important matters to attend to before ending their legislative session this week.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
Fake Parking Tickets in VoorheesFake Parking Tickets in VoorheesVoorhees police warn residents that someone is giving out fake parking tickets at this Camden County apartment complex.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
New Jersey Cat is Recovering After Being SHOT With an ArrowNew Jersey Cat is Recovering After Being SHOT With an ArrowA cat is currently recovering after being shot with a crossbow and arrow in New Jersey.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
Atlantic City’s Showboat Reopens Without CasinoAtlantic City’s Showboat Reopens Without CasinoAfter two years since Showboat Casino and Hotel shut down, this Atlantic City hotel will reopen in July.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
Attention Residents, Stay Away from Wild AnimalsAttention Residents, Stay Away from Wild AnimalsA local police department is stressing to residents to stay away from wild animals after an Edgewater Park Township resident was bitten by a rabid fox.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez