Attention Residents, Stay Away from Wild Animals
A local police department is stressing to residents to stay away from wild animals after an Edgewater Park Township resident was bitten by a rabid fox. says that last week a resident approached a fox mistaking it for an adorable little cat. Okay, they didn't use those words exactly, but the fox did end up biting this resident!
Luckily, the resident was able to lock the animal until Animal Control and police arrived. After the fox was euthanized, the Health Department discovered the fox was positive for rabies.
On Edgewater Park Township Police Department's Facebook, they warn residents to basically leave the animal alone, especially if it appears to have rabies.
Then of course contact police.
Another good point makes is if you come across a wild animal, just leave the location and let the animal return home.
This way, no one gets bitten, and the animal gets to live.