South Jersey ‘American Idol’ Contestant Misses Wawa [VIDEO]
If you couldn't live in South Jersey anymore what would you miss more than anything else? Some people would say the beach, some would say not having to pump their own gas. American Idol contestant from Turnersville, Payton Taylor, misses Wawa above everything else.
Payton will be featured on tonight's episode of American Idol and we got a chance to talk to the South Jersey native about her experience on the show and of course pork roll. This isn't Payton's first time on Idol, auditioning last year, getting a golden ticket, but passing on Hollywood so she and her sister didn't have to compete against one another. With her sister's encouragement, Payton is back on the singing competition with her eye on the golden ticket for a second year in a row.
We played a little game of Would You Rather, South Jersey style, to see what Payton prefers. Without a doubt, Wawa holds a very special place in her heart. She told us that people send her Wawa K-cups since she moved down to Nashville.
Hear what else Payton loves about South Jersey here: