Dear Jessica Simpson,


Get over yourself.  Really?  Selling the rights to ANNOUNCE your pregnancy to the media for $500,000?  Not even the actual baby photos, but just to gift the world with printed words proclaiming what we already know (and what will be inevitable for you)...that you are indeed with child?  Half a million dollars?

No doubt the work of your svengali father Joe.  But you're feeding into the very hysteria that you'll be blasting the paparazzi for when they're hunting you down in your third trimester and endangering your baby bump.  Why don't you concentrate on making on some new music during this experience of impending motherhood--the kind that would rebirth your amazing vocal talent until you're ready to unveil actual pictures of your baby.

But somehow I feel this is a package deal.  Paid announcement, ultrasound, 3-D imagery.  All splashed across the tabloids when you're in the supermarket stocking up on Ben and Jerry's to feed your midnight pregnancy cravings.

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