Celebrities who swear they had ghost encounters, even sexual ones
Most polls show America is pretty evenly split on whether one believes in ghosts. So for a famous person to share a paranormal experience is a bit of a risk. They know going in half the population will think they’re gullible, or lying, or seeking attention, etc.
Personally, I’m somewhere in the middle. I will vacillate from no, there’s a logical explanation here even if I can’t find it, to yes, the odds are too astronomical for it to be anything other than a spirit.
Quick example.
My father died when I was 36. The care facility where he passed away knew he died sometime between 11:15 p.m. when they last checked on him and 11:45 p.m. when they next did and found his body. The day after his funeral I played Bruce Springsteen’s “My Father’s House” on our show as a goodbye.
On the one-year anniversary of his death, I decided to be alone in my living room and light a candle and just sit from 11:15 p.m. to 11:45 p.m. and remember him. At about 11:30 p.m. a stereo in the room suddenly turned itself on and the 6-carousel CD player came to life and shifted from disc to disc before landing on one.
Now I hadn’t used it in months. I hadn’t even recalled if anything was loaded in there let alone which CDs. Later inspection would show all six slots were filled. Sure enough, it landed on Bruce Springsteen’s “Nebraska” CD and inexplicably (I say inexplicably because the setting was not on shuffle) skipped ahead far past the first song to “My Father’s House.”
It played it all the way through from the beginning as my skin goose-bumped. Stranger yet, when the song was done, it played no more. The stereo simply shut down.
I checked wiring. I checked switches. I checked to see what bangs or thumps would make it turn on the same way and none did. I could never find an explanation for this machine turning on, playing that exact song, then turning itself off. It could not be replicated.
The only time this stereo did this was that night. Never before and never after.
What are the odds that on that day and in the same short window as when my father died it would randomly play this song, the song I had played for my father, over all the approximately 60 songs loaded?
But then, I just don’t know. I still don’t know what I believe even all these years later.
Well here’s a list of celebrities, and their stories, who swear they had an encounter with a spirit. Some a bit more, uh, intimate than others. See what you think.
Celebs Share Their Personal Paranormal Stories
READ ON: Weird, wild UFO sightings from throughout history
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.
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