Meet Heather DeLuca’s New Rescue Cats
Over the holidays, my heart was broken when I had to say goodbye to my cat Leah, who was almost 18 years old. But I've been able to give a Forever Home to two shelter cats.
My husband and I weren't sure when we would be ready to adopt again. We were both so traumatized from euthanizing Leah sooner than we had expected.
But on the very day Leah crossed the Rainbow Bridge, I was introduced to Margaret and Lady, two cats from Atlantic County Animal Shelter. They'd both been there for more than a year.
I felt an instant connection with them both. While tuxedo cat Margaret was fluffy and reserved, tabby Lady was so vocal and lovey. Little did I know they arrived at Shore Veterinarian in EHT, which works with the shelter, together and happen to be best buds.
My husband fought me on adopting again right away. We were both still mourning the loss of Leah. And he and I hadn't know our relationship WITHOUT her. But we both felt a strong obligation to save another shelter cat.
Late last week he surprised me, telling me that he had gone to spend some time with both Margaret and Lady. He felt the same connection I did, and on Saturday we brought them home.
Lady, who we now call Lady MeowMeow because she soooooo chatty, already seems so happy to have space to run and stretch out, and humans to love her.
Margaret, nicknamed Maggie, is an observer by nature, but she loves chasing toys and looking out the windows.
All four of us are going through an adjustment. These two kitties are WAY more active than our last too ever were, lol, and they're certainly keeping us on our toes. And we wouldn't have it any other way.
I hope you'll consider adopting a shelter pet, too. It's so rewarding.