What the...?  Yep, clearly this woman is out of her mind, trying to get past cars at a hotel and casino in Atlantic City.

In the latest edition of Adults Behaving Badly, it goes without saying that clearly this woman's perception of depth and distance is totally off.

***WARNING: You will hear lots of BAD WORDS if you don't mute the volume***

Once again...

***WARNING: You will hear lots of BAD WORDS if you don't mute the volume***

This video was posted on YouTube in January, 2016 by Carl Bombara.

No word on what caused this woman to freak out. No word on how many cars were damaged (it looks to be about 4 cars). No word on if anybody was hurt, although it looks like everyone is OK.

Credit to the staff of the hotel/casino for handling the situation before anyone got hurt.

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