According to this latest survey, millennials are the most dangerous drivers on the road for a variety of reasons.

Normally, I am the first to defend all Millennials when it comes to articles blaming us for the world going up in flames. But, as a Millennial who knows and has seen others do this, there's no defense here.

The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that 88% of drivers between 19-24 are the most dangerous on the highway. Reportedly, they are the most likely to be caught texting while driving, running red lights or speeding.

The survey also found that a high amount of millennials see nothing wrong in their driving habits. But, I bet they would find it alarming that in 2015, the death toll due to traffic accidents jumped to 35,092.

Before anyone yells at Millennials, they aren't the only ones at fault!

The survey pointed out that drivers don't practice what they preach. Although they may condemn those who text and drive, or drive while drunk or drowsy, some have admitted that they have done these things.

Exec. Director David Yang tells USA Today:

"It’s critical that these drivers understand the potentially deadly consequences of engaging in these types of behaviors and that they change their behavior and attitudes in order to reverse the growing number of fatalities on U.S. roads."

Agreed! So Millennial, or not, keep your eyes on the road.

Source: The Daily Journal/USA Today

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