While our Insane Inflatable 5k is fun anytime of year, I look particularly forward to the one we through at the start of the fall season.

It's been awesome to have the backdrop of Atlantic City when we run at Bader Field, and to be on Phillies home turf in Philly, but when we set up our giant inflatable obstacle course at Flying W in Medford, I get really excited. Flying W airport is surrounded by foliage, which is turning autumnal colors as we speak. It's dewy, especially early on the morning of our run, making it the most festive Insane Inflatable we throw.



The weather also feels more crisp. Not chilly by any means, but cooler and free of summer's blazing heat. Those are the perfect conditions for coming to run the 5k in costume, something we're seeing more and more as the years go on.


The next Insane Inflatable 5k, and the last of 2017, is Saturday, October 7th at Flying W in Medford. Mike of The Mike Show and I will meet you out there, hopefully running the SoJO 104.9 wave along with us. It's a great team building event for your workplace, bonding experience for your family, and post-worthy opportunity for your squad!

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