What Not to Wear at New Jersey Voting Polls on Election Day
Believe it or not, there is a dress code when visiting a New Jersey voting booth.
This is not a matter of fashion, but law. Seriously.
It doesn't sound like a 'no shirt, no shoes, no service' kind of thing. You can wear jorts, or flip flops, etc. Heck, you can even wear your pajamas if you're so inclined!
What you legitimately CANNOT wear in the state of NJ: Buttons, hats, or T-shirts that show allegiance to any one particular political party or candidate.
This 'electioneering ban', according to thehill.com, extends to within 100 feet of the polls.
Any apparel displaying a candidate's face or campaign slogan would be considered in violation of NJ state law and may fall under the banner of voter intimidation.
Failure to observe the prohibitions could result in you losing your privilege to vote.
So, remember to vote on Tuesday, November 8th, even if you do it in your bathrobe, but if you want that ballot to count, best leave the political propaganda at home.
For more on New Jersey's Election Day dress codes, visit National Conference of State Legislatures.