Poor parkers. We all know a few. Most of them can't plant their vehicles in between the lines and we'll joke or nicely point it out. It's not intentional. Then, there are the drivers who have no problem taking up two spaces or more. Sometimes it's out laziness, other times it's because they feel their car is superior to ours. Watch as a Jersey driver gives a rude parker a crystal-clear message.

Notice the nice new Corvette taking up two spaces at this North Jersey restaurant. Also, notice the awesome truck following the Corvette's new parking pattern on the left (just a little tighter.)

AnotherCJMajor, Reddit
AnotherCJMajor, Reddit

The driver of the Jeep tells his story here. It gets better though! Watch as the Jeep driver films the reaction of the Corvette driver when he leaves the restaurant to find the above situation. Like and share this story if you applaud Team Jeep!

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