New Jersey's exhausted at work, and it shows. In fact, employees here in the Garden State show up inside the Top 3 in the whole country for napping on the job.
While we make a resolutions to eat better and exercise more, we often forget how important a good night's sleep is to overall health. Here's the top six benefits of a good night's sleep.
Do you ask yourself often why am I so tired? Sleep is very important to the human body to function correctly and avoid accidents. Here's the top six benefits of a good night's sleep and how you can get more of them.
If you're wondering why it looks like the South Jersey population has narcolepsy today, it's because today is the one day of year that it's socially acceptable to be sleeping in public.
Justin Bieber! Ok buddy, it's time to get your s*&! together. These crazy things are going to keep happening to you. And you're not very good at keeping your business private. You're becoming a joke. Even this random girl who, whether with or without your knowledge, has gotten close enough to film you while you're sleeping...and it's creepy.