I was here first, and there is plenty of room NOT to be right up on me. Why do some people have to congregate right where I am?

Respecting personal space is something that isn't being taught anymore, from what I've experienced. Here is my list of South Jersey's 18 Worst Places to Invade Personal Space...


Jorge Salgado
Jorge Salgado


  1. Waiting for your Wawa hoagie to be made
  2. On the beach
  3. Standing in line at Great Adventure
  4. Movie night in the park
  5. In the parking lot
  6. Campground camping sight
  7. In the neighborhood swimming pool
  8. In the sauna at the gym
  9. Anywhere at the gym
  10. Sitting right next to you at an empty bar
  11. Urinal / bathroom stall right next to you
  12. On the bike path
  13. On the sideline of your kid's sports event
  14. At a general admission / out door concert
  15. Watching a parade
  16. In an elevator
  17. On an escalator
  18. In line at a port-a-potty


Like to add to the list? Comment below or even better, click back to our Facebook page and comment there! Thanks for being part of The Mike Show!

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