South Jersey Native Donates 50K Condoms to South Jersey AIDS Alliance
This South Jersey native made a trip back home to give back to his community, by donating 50,000 condoms to South Jersey AIDS Alliance.
SNJ Today reports Scott Petinga made the donation as a way to shed light on men's health and its importance in today's society. The 50,000 condom donation was from Rouse Company, one of his many companies as an entrepreneur.
According to those at the South Jersey AIDS Alliance, the donation was a great help and saved in costs they could put elsewhere. Petinga hopes with this donation people will use protection, and educate themselves on sex, STIs, and other sex-related information.
Here's what Petinga had to say on SNJ Today:
"I hope the biggest thing is people start to participate in safe sex, [sic] The condoms alleviate both STIs as well as the spread of HIV, but even on top of that stuff, [it's important ] that every male out there is educated, that once a month in the shower they need to start taking care of themselves."
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Source: SNJ Today