Ocean County Kitten Abused – Tossed and Kicked By Kids
An investigation is underway by Lakewood police department after a Facebook post was written alleging that a group of kids were kicking and tossing a kitten. Calling All Cats Rescues detailed the events of the abuse, including a photo of the poor kitten.
Patch.com reported on the story stating, "Lakewood Capt. Gregory Staffordsmith said police were following up on the allegations."
According to the Facebook post, the woman witnessed a group of Lakewood High School students abusing a kitten. The post states, "...[T]hey were sticking sticks up his rectum and they damaged his jaw by tossing him around and kicking him." The woman who witnessed the events brought the kitten to the rescue to receive care. The kitten has been seen by a veterinarian, but further tests may be needed to see the full extent of the damage.
However, police do not have an official report as mentioned in the Facebook post. Lakewood Patch reported Capt. Staffordsmith saying, "After an extensive search of our database, we do not have any record of anyone reporting this event. However, additional follow up will take place today to try and confirm or dispel the allegation."
The rescue is looking for donations to help this kitten and all of their rescue cats via the original post.