New Jersey’s Pasta Mystery Has Been Solved, Dumper Identified
Thought this spaghetti incident would be imPASTAble to solve, but we now know who dumped the pasta in a wooded area of the Garden State and why.
On April 28th, residents in Old Bridge, Middlesex County were perplexed by the discovery of nearly 500 pounds of cooked pasta in a wooded area there.
Questions were plenty. WHO dumped the pasta? WHY? HOW?
I'd been hypothesizing how someone managed to get THAT must pasta into the woods in the first place. Was it all COOKED first and THEN dumped? Was it all dry pasta and then it rained making the noodles soggy?
Turns out, it's the latter.
The pasta came from a Middlesex woman's home after she passed away. Her son reportedly found a large supply of boxes of expired pasta in his mom's basement, so he decided to chuck it all into the woods. It must have been DOZENS of boxes because looks HOW MUCH pasta it produced!
Um, why didn't he just throw them in the trash? Perhaps the man hoped wildlife could feed off the pasta? I mean that is a LOT of spaghetti and macaroni.
There's no word on whether the man has been or will be cited for illegal dumping, but at least we've gotten to the bottom of what happened.