My Reason For Observing Memorial Day
Memorial Day is not supposed to be a fun day about beaches, BBQ, and drinking beer. For me, Memorial Day is something much more personal.
I was born in a military hospital in Germany and my father is a retired United States Air Force officer. We are a proud military family... for me, Memorial Day is not a day to spend on the beach.
For me, Memorial Day is not a day for a backyard BBQ with friends.
For me, Memorial Day is not a day to party it up with beer and loud music.
Memorial Day, for me, is a solemn day to remember all the great Americans who were killed in war. It is a day to quietly and respectfully remember those who have protected us.
Throughout the year, but especially on Memorial Day Weekend, I wear the bracelet in the picture above, in honor of Army Sgt. Michael S. Hancock, who was killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom on October 24, 2003.
Sgt. Hancock was killed in a gun battle while on guard duty in Mosul, Iraq. He was a husband, a father, and he was 29 years old.
Zac Brown Band (you may have heard of them) is from my home state of Georgia, and they have a song that puts it really well...
"...I thank God for my life
and for the stars and stripes.
May freedom forever fly, let it ring.
Salute the ones who died,
the ones that give their lives,
so we don't have to sacrifice
all the things we love..."
- Zac Brown Band
I would hope you would at least take a quiet moment, some time this Memorial Day Weekend, to say a prayer for our Military family members. Remember the fallen.
You can Honor The Fallen with Military Times. On their web site is a data base you can search for those Americans who we should ALL be remembering, on Memorial Day.