Local New Jersey Businesses Mock Long Term Construction
Construction has plagued Route 166 in Toms River for years, affecting surrounding businesses. According to the Asbury Park Press, the cost of construction was $11.8 million and began in 2016. Local businesses along the construction suffered during the project.
To keep spirits up and their social media game strong, many of these businesses made light of the situation. Schuster's Toms River Car Wash and Corinne Jewelers, located side by side on Rt. 166, used humor to get through the daunting time.
In the article quoted above, APP reported that the state's Department of Transportation spokeswoman Mairin Bellack told the paper that the construction is, "[E]xpected to be completed in the next several weeks." The article was published back in mid-December 2018. However a post from the Toms River Police Department confirmed the end of construction May 17, 2019, "Great news on this beautiful Friday morning- Roadwork is complete on Route 166 - the road is officially open."
Last year, Schuster's Car Wash posted this video of their friend's at Corinne Jeweler's sign.
Both businesses saw big reactions on their Facebook pages during the construction.
The car wash even made construction themed t-shirts to give out to customers last month.
Luckily, the construction has officially ended. However, all businesses on 166 now have to attempt to recoup the losses the construction created.