Hurricane Sandy by the Numbers
As we continue to monitor what could possibly be the one of the most dangerous storms to ever hit N. America, and for sure one of the most epic of our life time, we give you "Sandy" by the numbers.
We'll take these numbers from the smallest to the biggest for this storm, and some of these numbers are unpresedented:
2 = the number of feet of snow that could happen in some areas of the Appalachian region
11 = number of feet the storm surge could create on our coast in spots
12 = The number of inches of rain that will fall in some spots due to Sandy
12 = The number of casinos in A.C. shut down from this storm
20 = The number of states that have been affected by this storm with high winds, heavy rains, transportation delays, etc. (not including DC)
28 = Ground Speed of the Storm this Monday afternoon
65 = The number of people who died in the Caribbean from Hurricane Sandy
90 = The speed of the wind as Sandy is about to hit landfall here
485 = The number of miles of tropical-storm force winds extend from the eye of this storm
660 = The miles of subway track closed in NYC
1,000 = Estimated number of miles wide Hurricane Sandy is
1,220 = The number of flights cancelled from Philly International Airport on Oct. 29th (more to come tomorrow)
200,000 = The estimated number of homes without power in New Jersey as of 4pm on Oct. 29.
284,000 = Projected number of residential properties at risk of damage (according to NBC News)
1.1 Million = The number of NYC students affected in the form of school closures through Tuesday (possibly Wednesday)
10 Million = The estimated number of public transport riders without service between Washington, DC and New York City
3 Billion = The estimated amount of money from potential wind damage alone from this storm along the east coast (according to FEMA)
100 Billion = The estimated amount of money overall from the path of Hurricane Sandy (according to FEMA)