Bryce Harper made headlines with his new Phillies contract worth $330 million. Honestly, can you fathom that amount of money? What could one spend that money on? Well here at SoJO 104.9, we did our research to find the most important ways to spend every last cent of that $330 million here in South Jersey.


  • Google Maps
    Google Maps

    200,000,000 Wawa 24 oz Coffees

    For generations, your family will inherit enough Wawa coffee to last them multiple lifetimes. The average 24 oz Wawa coffee costs $1.65, divide that by Bryce Harper's $330 million, and you get a whopping 200 million coffees.

  • Getty Images/iStockphoto
    Getty Images/iStockphoto

    82,500,000 Pork Roll, Egg, and Cheese Sandwiches

    So, if we average $4.00 a sandwich you could buy a pork roll, egg, and cheese, for everyone in Germany and still have 385,776 to spare.


    5,326,876 Tubs of Johnson's Popcorn

    We decided to splurge on this one and did the math to buy the 3.5 gallon tubs. You would even have .51 cents to spare!

  • Rich Schultz, Getty Images
    Rich Schultz, Getty Images

    13,580 Years Worth of Phillies Season Tickets

    We went full on boujee here. You could just get your standard season tickets, but with $330 million that seems ridiculous. The Phillies have Diamond Club season tickets that are worth $12,150 a seat for preferred seating. Of course you need to bring a friend, but that will still give you almost 13,600 years of season tickets and .25 cents to spare.


    2,750,229 Bryce Harper Phillies Jerseys

    Now that he is officially a Phillies player, you need to show your support. A Bryce Harper jersey goes for just about $120 on the MLB Shop. Getting almost 3 million jerseys is the best way to show your support.

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