The cost of living may be high, you can't avoid traffic, and there are so many people here, but according to a new ranking, people from New Jersey are happy. Each year, releases the "official" ranking for each state's happiness. They look at factors such as the divorce rate, suicide rate, lowest work hours, adult depression, among others.

While many people complain about living in the good 'ol Garden State, it turns out we should actually be happy. It may be hard to believe, but the statistics do show that we don't have it all that bad in New Jersey.

It comes as no surprise that Hawaii is #1 in the happiness ranking. Sure it may be expensive to live there, but it seems to be a pretty stress-free environment. Cost of living seems to have little impact on happiness. California also made the top 5. Where does New Jersey fall in the ranking?

New Jersey is the 5th happiest state in the country. 

I know you don't believe me, but it is true.

Source: WalletHub

New Jersey has a total score of 60.54 and is 2nd overall in the emotional and physical wellbeing rank. However, we rank in at 45 in the work environment category and 25th for community and environment rank.

In the category ranking lists, New Jersey ranked pretty high in a few categories which is why we placed high.

New Jersey has the 2nd lowest share of adult depression, right behind Hawaii. We also have the 2nd lowest suicide rate, with New York having the lowest. When it comes to the divorce rate, New Jersey has the 4th lowest in the country.

On the flip side, we have the second-highest long term unemployment rate.

Top 5 Happiest States:

  1. Hawaii
  2. Utah
  3. Minnesota
  4. California
  5. New Jersey

Bottom 5:

  1. Louisiana (46)
  2. Mississippi (47)
  3. Alaska (48)
  4. Arkansas (49)
  5. West Virginia (50)

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