Waiting for a table or in line at a restaurant can be challenging if you're someone with low patience. Next time that happens, try using my app of the week called Nowait.

I will admit it: my patience is very, very, very low especially when I'm hangry (hungry and angry). I also like to save as much time as possible whenever I have the opportunity.

So when my coworker told me about 'Nowait,' it seemed almost too good to be true. 'Nowait' is a FREE app that checks wait times at your favorite restaurants and put yourself on the wait list regardless if they take reservations.

I know it seems to good to be true, and it is SLIGHTLY. While, it does work - restaurants are still being added to the app, so you may not see your favorite restaurant there just yet. I do appreciate the app's feature to let you know what's coming soon, and allowing you to track your wait times from your phone!

This app is also handy for when you're out of town and need to snag reservations to the latest hot spot in town.

'Nowait' is free for both Apple and Android phones. Try it out and let me know how it goes!

Have any apps you would like me to review? Just comment below!

Missed my app from last week? Here ya go:

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