Christopher Walken to Join Cast of NBC’s ‘Peter Pan Live’
NBC's rendition of 'Peter Pan LIVE' just got way cooler by casting legendary actor Christopher Walken. But what role will he play? I think you already have a pretty good idea.
On December 4th, Christopher Walken will indeed be playing Captain Hook in 'Peter Pan LIVE'. He was in the film versions of "Hairspray" and"Jersey Boys" and has a well-known love for dancing. So we'll see what he brings.
NBC still hasn't announced who's playing Peter or Wendy. But they're sticking with the tradition of having a woman play Peter on stage. Miley Cyrus's name came up early on, but she's out.
They wanted to cast Kristen Bell, who did the voice of Anna in "Frozen". She wanted to do it, but she'll be filming the new season of "House of Lies". Also, she's pregnant, and Peter flies around on cables.