It may be the happiest place on earth - but that apparently doesn't include happy parking!

I snapped this pic in one of the million acre parking lots at Walt Disney World when I was there on vacation with my family. You'd think there would be plenty of room - right? Think again!


The Mike Show! at Disney
The Mike Show! at Disney

I'm not sure what the driver of the gray car OR the driver of the white car were thinking. From the way they park people in Disney, the gray car would have been parked first. Well, they couldn't keep their tiny ride between the lines.

THEN the white car has to pull ALL THE WAY UP TO THE BUMPER of the gray car! What a MAGICAL way to park your car.

Remember, when you see someone who cannot grasp the concept of keeping it between the lines, like the rest of us in the civilized world, snap a pic and email to

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Please include you name and where you snapped the pic, so we can give you credit for being the awesome person you are!

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