Bad Parking at a South Jersey Mall
The Mike Show, with help of it's radio family, bust another bad parker in South Jersey! This time it's at the Deptford Mall on Black Friday weekend.
Thanks to The Mike Show's Facebook friend Maria, who snapped this pic of a truck that was invading her space...
Remember, when you see someone who cannot grasp the concept of keeping it between the lines, like the rest of us in the civilized world, snap a pic and email to or INBOX us on Facebook.
If you are on Twitter, tweet us at @FollowMikeNow and @SoJO1049fm.
On Instagram, @FollowMikeNow and @SoJO1049.
Please include you name and where you snapped the pic, so we can give you credit for being the awesome person you are!
Check out some more BAD SOUTH JERSEY PARKING from The Mike Show and SoJO 104.9...