10 Bathroom Habits Couples Hate About Their Partner
During the heightened state of fear society has about the spread and contraction of COVID-19, people are trying to make sure they're not doing anything that could make contracting the virus any easier.
Obviously, the easiest change you can make is how often you wash your hands. So, before you exit the bathroom, use some soap and water please.
Speaking of the bathroom, do you know how many bad habits you actually have when it comes to "the throne"? Well, your partner sure does. Do you use your partner's bathroom towels? A new survey by the company Drench showed that 56% of couples do.
People using the same towel isn't necessarily the nastiest habit you could have. Some habits are more annoying than gross, I suppose.
Top bathroom habits men find most annoying about their partner:
- leaving hair in the sink or drain 34%
- not cleaning up after themselves 23%
- not flushing 13%
- door open while on the toilet 13%
- fake tan or makeup stains all over the bathroom 13%
Top bathroom habits women find most annoying about their partner:
- not cleaning the toilet after themselves 40%
- not flushing 25%
- leaving hair in the drain or sink 15%
- leaving the door open while on the toilet 9%
- using the toilet while you are bathing 7%
Flush as soon as possible. If you don't flush, that's quite literally a cesspool of germs just sitting there until the next person has to use the toilet. Also, if you sprinkle when you tinkle, be a sweetie and wipe the seatie!
Yep, we're back in kindergarten, lol. Just, be more mindful when you use the bathroom. Please and thanks.
Source: Drench.co.uk