What’s with the movie pop-up restaurants coming to New Jersey?
When did pop-ups even become a thing? Does this make me sound old? Is this my get-off-my-lawn moment?
The idea of putting a restaurant in place knowing you're only doing it temporarily seems antithetical to business acumen. But it's been happening. Kevin Smith did one with Mooby's, the fictional restaurant from his films. That was in Red Bank. Then I wrote about the knock-off McDonald's from the movie Coming To America, called McDowell's that's coming this month to Cherry Hill.
If these things are this popular, can we have more? Would fans of Fast Times at Ridgemont High be up for an outing to All-American Burger? You know the place, where Hamilton worked and got fired for telling a customer he would kick "100% of your ass!"
Or what about Quentin Tarantino's love for his fictional Big Kahuna Burger that has appeared in one way or another in Pulp Fiction, From Dusk till Dawn and other films?
And should TV be left out of the mix? Oh man, imagine those possibilities.
What if you could replicate Arnold's Drive-in from Happy Days? You could even put a jukebox that turns on by punching it like Fonzarelli.
I would absolutely check out a pop-up Krusty Krab from SpongeBob Squarepants.
Here's an easy one to do as a pop-up because it would be so small. The Bluth's Banana Stand from Arrested Development. It should have Segway parking if Gob stops by.
I was going to say Monk's from Seinfeld but it really does exist; it's just that it's called Tom's Restaurant and is on Broadway at 112 St. in NYC.
Central Perk from Friends could make a fun pop-up as long as you include a vapid blond singing about odoriferous cats while strumming an acoustic guitar.
Bob's Burgers is a pop-up restaurant just waiting to happen.
And if you really want to load up on greasy calories there's always Paunch Burger from Parks and Rec.
But I digress. How do you make any serious money with a temporary restaurant? And buying a ticket? To go to a restaurant? And why can't you just write the letter 'k' instead of 'okay' in a text message? And what the hell is Saweetie featuring Doja Cat?
Get off my lawn.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.