Vineland EMS Chief Retires After 38 Years [VIDEO]
Al Lincks, who served his community for 38 years as chief of Vineland EMS, was celebrated today with a drive-by retirement party.
Lincks was treated to a parade of devotees from Vineland Police, fellow Emergency Service workers, local citizens, and even a N.J. Forest Fire Service vehicle.
A procession of sirens and lights rolled passed Lincks residence, which had been decorated with banners and balloons for the occasion.
Dressed in a Hawaiian shirt, Lincks grabbed his radio, and signed off one last time.
Lincks is credited with growing Vineland EMS into the success it is today, reports Courier Post. Former Director of Health Lou Cresci told Courier Post, “The [EMS] program that we have is his. He [Lincks] brought it out of the cradle to where it is today."
We wish Al Lincks nothing but the best in the future, including a lot of relaxation and a whole lot less stress! Thank you for your service, Chief Lincks!
SOURCES: Courier Post
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