Four Jersey Shore Boardwalks Make The Most Beautiful List
When it comes to beautiful boardwalks, it’s hard to compare with the great boardwalks of the Jersey Shore. So we must have made the list of the 40 Most Beautiful Boardwalks in America, right?
We’re so used to being skipped over on these lists it may surprise you that, yes in fact, we did make the list. As a matter of fact, two of our local boardwalks are on the list.
The list was compiled by Cheapism, and actually, New Jersey was represented four times in all, two in South Jersey and two right here at our Jersey Shore. Wildwood and Atlantic City made the list, and the other two Garden State representatives on the list were...wait for it...Seaside Heights and Jenkinson’s Boardwalk. Congratulations on a well deserved honor!
The article doesn’t rank the boardwalks in order, so we’re going to take it upon ourselves to call a two way tie for the number one spot on this list. It’s not official, but let’s take advantage of making the list as much as we can.
Any time you’re on the same list as Santa Monica Pier, Venice Beach and Maui, you’ll take it. It’s just another reminder of how awesome it is to live where we do.
And it is worth mentioning that I think there are other amazing boardwalks right here at the Jersey Shore that could have, and probably should have made the list. But I guess we can't be greedy. Wait a minute, yes we can. We deserve even more honors than we get here at the Jersey Shore.