This Is A Really Great Choice For New Jersey’s Weirdest Food
When I heard the weirdest food in New Jersey had been revealed, I wanted to take a guess before I found out. Do you think you know what experts say is the weirdest food in New Jersey?
I'm not going to lie. Even though I really don't think there is anything weird at all about pork roll, it's the first thing that popped into my head.
Pretty much the weirdest thing about pork roll is the never-ending debate about its name. Is it Taylor Ham or pork roll? The debate has been raging in the Garden State for years to no avail.
Personally, I don't care what you call it, and even though it isn't really weird, I have a sneaking suspicion it will be the one chosen to top the "weirdest New Jersey food category.
And if it's not pork roll, then it must be the food invention the Jersey Shore is known for worldwide, saltwater taffy. I'm not even sure it falls into the "food" category, let alone the "weird food category, but if it does, it has a pretty good chance of topping this list as well.
Now we head to the folks who are going to let us know the official choice for New Jersey's weirdest food, and that is PostFun.
It turns out that I was zero for two on my guesses. The choice made by these experts makes a lot more sense than mine. They say tomato pie is the weirdest food, and if I may add this point, it's also super delicious.
It may be time to have some of New Jersey's weirdest food for lunch today.