New Device Helps to Protect Women From Sexual Assault
On the everyday basis, we use devices that track our fitness and general activities. Now there is a portable device to help prevent women from sexual assault. Roar for Good by Athena, is a sexual violence prevention device whose sole purpose is to decrease the amount of sexual assault on women.
Through its Indiegogo campaign, the company has received over $162,000 in funds so far, proving that this is a device women need. The company's mission is to protect women from assault with the touch of a button and works with technologists and official authorities to help ward off attacks and ask for help. The device emits a loud alarms and texts loved ones the women's location upon assault.
Athena even gives nifty ideas on how to wear this device: around your neck, on your belt, or safely in your purse. The device is very small, discreet and easy to use and is getting tons of support from many technological websites.
To support or learn more about Roar for Good visit its Indiegogo page, here.