This Amazing School Is The Oldest In New Jersey And One Of The Oldest In America
So many of us here in New Jersey love the history of this great state, and there is no doubt that our history is a rich one.
Some of the things we really love to discover here in the Garden State are the old things, and more specifically, the oldest things, and some of them are around us and we don't even know it.
There are incredibly old churches and really old restaurants in New Jersey that have our minds traveling back in time and imagining what the very building we're standing in must have looked like hundreds of years ago, and if the walls could talk, what their stories would sound like.
There is definitely a romanticism to the New Jersey of centuries past, and that's why we love to look back so often. in this case, we're going to travel back to the oldest high school in the Garden State.
The research for this finding was done by Family Minded, and we all are wondering just how far back New Jersey's oldest high school dates.
Our oldest high school, which, by the way, is the 17th oldest school in the entire nation, opened its doors over 200 years ago. It's been around since 1814.
And here's another really interesting fact about this historic school. It was the first public school in the nation to observe Earth Day.
The oldest high school in New Jersey and the 17th oldest school in America is Columbia High School in Maplewood.
According to the high school website, the start of construction on this incredible building began in 1787, two years prior to the start of George Washington's term as the United States President.