Here’s Another Weight Loss Trick That Involves AlcoholHere’s Another Weight Loss Trick That Involves AlcoholFirst it was tequila, then whiskey and now WINE may be another trick to help you lose weight according to a new study.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
The Laziest Way to Lose WeightThe Laziest Way to Lose WeightI don't think there's ANY easier way to lose weight than THIS method.Tom MorganTom Morgan
Honey Boo Boo’s Mama Drops 100 Lbs. [PHOTO]Honey Boo Boo’s Mama Drops 100 Lbs. [PHOTO]She's been the target of public scrutiny for serving her family 'sketti' with butter and ketchup. But you'd better redneckonize Here Comes Honey Boo Boo's Mama June's dramatic weight loss.Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
SoJO Do You Know – AnswerSoJO Do You Know – AnswerQuestion: According to research, when the moon is directly over you, THIS happens. What is it?Tom MorganTom Morgan