
Where Does NJ Stack Up In Terms of XMAS Spirit?
Where Does NJ Stack Up In Terms of XMAS Spirit?
Where Does NJ Stack Up In Terms of XMAS Spirit?
What happens when you put the world's biggest boy band in ugly Christmas sweaters, hand them toy instruments and shove them into a closet with a late night host and The Roots?  You get one of the coolest renditions of 'Santa Claus is Coming to Town'...
Listen to Your Voicemails for Santa [AUDIO]
Over the past few weeks, kids (and even adults) have left a voice message for 'Santa' on a private line.  We would later listen to these messages, and play them later on the SoJO Morning Show.  A lot of these were very funny, and in case you didn't hear them, we have posted the audio right here.....
“Santa” Gets Spotlighted This Week on “The Playlist”
“Santa” Gets Spotlighted This Week on “The Playlist”
“Santa” Gets Spotlighted This Week on “The Playlist”
The countdown to Christmas has begun, the nip in the air that has been missing for the most part is coming, the shopping is continuing, and the North Pole is all a buzz with the "Jolly Fat Man" getting ready for his marathon to get gifts to all the good girls and boys.  You don't Believe?  Maybe a bunch of songs that has Santa written into them will make you feel less of a Scrooge.  Welc