Sick, Disoriented Skunk in Galloway, NJ Tests Positive for RabiesSick, Disoriented Skunk in Galloway, NJ Tests Positive for RabiesA skunk in Galloway, New Jersey who appeared to be ill and disoriented was collected and tested positive for rabies, town officials confirm.Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
If You Live in Bridgeton, Watch Out for Rabies!If You Live in Bridgeton, Watch Out for Rabies!Bridgeton Police Department urge their residents to watch out for rabies, after a skunk tested positive.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
New Bill Might Ban Smoking on Jersey Shore BeachesNew Bill Might Ban Smoking on Jersey Shore BeachesLegislation to potentially ban smoking at New Jersey's public beaches and parks has taken another step forward.Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez