OPINION: Totally Disagree With NJ’s “Most Terrifying” Movie MonsterOPINION: Totally Disagree With NJ’s “Most Terrifying” Movie MonsterOut of all the villains out there, the one this new survey claims most New Jersey residents are most afraid of just doesn't add up.Jahna MichalJahna Michal
Hands Up! Take a Virtual Ride on Six Flags Great Adventure’s New Jersey Devil Roller Coaster [VIDEO]Hands Up! Take a Virtual Ride on Six Flags Great Adventure’s New Jersey Devil Roller Coaster [VIDEO]Six Flags Great Adventure's new Jersey Devil Roller Coaster looks like it's going to live up to its wicked name. Take a virtual ride!Heather DeLucaHeather DeLuca
FIRST PHOTOS: Top of Six Flags’ Great Adventure’s ‘Jersey Devil Coaster’ InstalledFIRST PHOTOS: Top of Six Flags’ Great Adventure’s ‘Jersey Devil Coaster’ InstalledThe 12 story-high peak of the new ride was installed earlier today, Six Flags says. JoeJoe
Aliens Don’t Exist, but the Jersey Devil Sounds Like a Dying CatAliens Don’t Exist, but the Jersey Devil Sounds Like a Dying CatA New Jersey resident described his encounter with the Jersey Devil back in the '80s.Bill SpadeaBill Spadea
You Have to Read These Ultimate South Jersey Mad Libs StoriesYou Have to Read These Ultimate South Jersey Mad Libs StoriesNeed a good laugh? Read these short South Jersey Mad Libs stories written by our listeners.Chelsea CorrineChelsea Corrine
Hammonton High School Band Tells the Story of the Jersey DevilHammonton High School Band Tells the Story of the Jersey DevilYou've got to watch Hammonton High School's marching band tell the story of the Jersey Devil for their field show.Chelsea CorrineChelsea Corrine
South Jersey HoroscopesSouth Jersey HoroscopesYou are no longer a Leo, a Sagittarius, or a Taurus. You are now a Jersey Devil, pork roll, and sea gull. Find out your South Jersey zodiac sign.Chelsea CorrineChelsea Corrine
Where Has the Jersey Devil Been Hiding?Where Has the Jersey Devil Been Hiding?South Jersey's favorite creature has been missing for 3 years. Where has he been?Chelsea CorrineChelsea Corrine
NJ's Creepiest Urban Legend?NJ's Creepiest Urban Legend?I love it when "out-of-towners" talk or write about our state. A website recently listed the "creepiest" urban legends state-by-state, and what they had for NJ is kind of a headscratcher. Matt RyanMatt Ryan
5 Monsters Found in New Jersey5 Monsters Found in New JerseyWe have our fair share of folklore right here in New Jersey. Aside from the New Jersey Devil, how many of these other creatures did you know existed?Spring GonzalezSpring Gonzalez
Jersey Devil Proof?Jersey Devil Proof?Is this photo proof that the famous South Jersey legend of the Jersey Devil is real?The Mike ShowThe Mike Show
Jersey Devil Votes!Jersey Devil Votes!It looks like the Jersey Devil has make a pick for the next President of The United States of America!The Mike ShowThe Mike Show