‘Star Wars’ Fans Help Vietnam Vet With Cancer See ‘The Last Jedi’
We’ve been hearing a lot about Star Wars fans recently, mostly in reference to those of them who are so up in arms against The Last Jedi they’re creating petitions online. But fans also have it in their power to do positive things too, like grant a veteran’s dying wish to see a movie before he goes.
Ron Villemaire, a veteran of the Vietnam War who was diagnosed with colon cancer earlier this year, wanted desperately to see The Last Jedi before his death, which his family expected could come at any time. When his daughter tweeted that she needed help getting him to the theater after his condition worsened, friends and strangers banded together to give Villemaire a theater escort fit for the Supreme Leader of the First Order. Even Darth Vader was there.
A team of first responders and the local fire department showed up to make sure Villemaire had the best experience possible, and it seems like everyone else in attendance made it their business to have the best Star Wars cosplay possible. I want to know where one person got their Chewbacca outfit.
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