On Friday, February 7 the Atlantic City Alliance hosted the DO AC Ultimate Cocktail Party at Phillips Seafood to celebrate the kick-off of their "Taste of Summer" festivities. All 11 casinos presented their hand-crafted summer cocktails for a panel of judges and party guests, including me!

The beverages that were including in this friendly competition are currently being served at the participating casino restaurants/bars/clubs.  They're all worth sampling when you're looking for a fun night out.  It was so hard for me and my fellow judges to pick a favorite, but ultimately it came down to the cherry deliciousness of Boogie Nights at Tropicana's Boogie Bowl.  Cherry vodka was the star of this cocktail, served with drunken Gummy Bears for good measure.  It's a beverage we'll forever associate with all things Boogie Nights.  Congratulations to all of the contributors and winners!

People's Choice (tie):

  • Mis-behaven on the Beach at Haven in Golden Nugget Atlantic City
  • Robert's Hurricane at Robert's Steakhouse in Trump Taj Mahal

Judges' Choice:

  • Boogie Bowl at Boogie Nights in Tropicana Hotel & Casino

Looking forward to the warm weather?  Special "Taste of Summer" packages will be available through March 31. Details can be found at DoAtlanticCity.com/TasteOfSummer.

Over the coming months you'll find "Taste of Summer" sand sculptures in the casino hotel lobbies, DO AC beach balls available at check in for visitors who book packages, and all the cocktails presented at the DO AC party (mentioned above) will be available.


"Taste of Summer" packages will be available through March 31. Details can be found at DoAtlanticCity.com/TasteOfSummer. Book yours now!

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