Reward now a record-breaking $5,000 for lost Seeing Eye puppy
The $500 reward offered for a missing Seeing Eye puppy has been boosted to $5,000 — the most the guide dog training agency in Morristown has ever offered.
“We feel we have exhausted all options in terms of finding her loose in the vicinity and are refocusing our efforts on the possibility that someone may have her and not realize we are looking for her,” Seeing Eye Director of Canine Development Peggy Gibbon said in an announcement from the group Monday. “We hope that increasing the reward for information leading to her safe return will raise the visibility of our search for Ondrea. We will gladly accept her back with no questions asked.”
The 14-month-old female German shepherd puppy has been missing from Wantage since the morning of June 24. She is nearly full-grown and weighs approximately 50 pounds, according to the group.
Ondrea’s has a tattoo in her right ear and a microchip.
According to the Seeing Eye, staff and volunteers have spent weeks posting flyers around the Sussex County area. A dog tracker and exert dog tracker couldn't find her. Robo-calls to residents and businesses, as well as reports to local animal services have spread the word, but there have been no sightings.
Ondrea had been living with a volunteer family when she pushed through an exterior door with a broken latch, the Seeing Eye said.
Anyone who sees her is urged not to chase her, but immediately call the organization at 1-800-539-4425.
Ondrea has been scheduled to begin official training with the Seeing Eye last month.