Pro Tips on How to Win Up to $10,000 on SoJO 104.9
We're a couple days into the SoJO 104.9 $10k App Giveaway, and we don't want you to miss the opportunity to win cash. So, here's what to do.
We wanted to lay out some pro tips on how to increase your chances of winning with our $10k App Giveaway, so you've got all the tools at your disposal.
There are Cash Code Words revealed 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Those codes give you access to winning money! From $1,000 all the way up to the $10,000 Grand Prize.
1. First, and foremost, you'll need our station app. But, rest assured, the SoJO 104.9 is free in your app store, so it costs you nothing to download.
2. Once you download the SoJO app to your chosen device, make sure you go into 'settings' and turn on all notifications, especially contests. (We send out exclusive and frequent reminders when it's time to win cash.)
3. Set a reminder on your phone. We reveal 10 Cash Codes every weekday starting at 8 a.m.
4. Codes are announced at the top of every hour, from 8a-5p. Keep in mind, if you're listening from the app, Alexa, or our website, there's a slight delay.
5. Once you know the Cash Code, open the SoJO app and tap the WIN CASH icon on the home screen. That will direct you to where you can enter the code!
7. Don't give up! Ya gotta be in it to win it.
8. Tell your friends about it, because if you miss a code, they might hear it, and then you'll BOTH have a chance at winning money.
9. Ask your Smart Speaker to play SoJO when you're not near a radio.
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